
Alvin, TX Dentist

DenturesDentures are a removable replacement for one or more missing teeth. They are used to restore both function and aesthetics. Dentures are custom-fabricated to fit your mouth and match the appearance of your natural teeth. The fit of your dentures may be adjusted as needed to ensure comfort and proper function.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are an excellent choice for patients who need the last remaining upper and/or lower teeth extracted. These dentures provide temporary replacement for your teeth while your gums heal following extraction. The immediate denture is placed immediately following extraction, which allows you to have the appearance and function of teeth during the healing process. In fact, immediate dentures act like a sort of bandage in your mouth and serve to promote healing in your gums. Generally, a set of conventional full dentures is made to replace the immediate dentures once healing has completed.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used to replace one or more teeth when some natural teeth remain. This prevents teeth from shifting into the space left by missing teeth. Besides the aesthetic reason for partial dentures, patients often choose to have a partial denture to prevent teeth from rotating or shifting into the empty spaces caused by tooth loss. A standard bridge places a crown on the teeth surrounding the empty space, then attaches a replacement tooth to those crowns. Our dentist will help match the replacement to the patient’s natural teeth for a consistent look to their smile.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures replace the full upper or lower set of teeth.

Over Dentures/Implants

Implant supported dentures provides patients a dependable and durable alternative to complete dentures, partial dentures, and traditional dental implants. Implant supported dentures are a more permanent, secure solution for missing teeth.

You should clean your dentures regularly using a soft bristle toothbrush and a non-abrasive cleanser. Keep your regular dental appointments as recommended. Dentures should be replaced every 5-10 years. Ask our dentist to evaluate whether your dentures should be refit or replaced.

Let us help to restore your smile today. Contact Alvin Smiles today to see if dentures are right for you.

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